Hate will keep us together
Biden and Cuomo realize they can't blame their farts on the dog anymore
I hate to pry but… have you ever been involved in a really messy romantic situation? Like one where a couple breaks up and then one of them starts dating the best friend of their former partner?
I have. It’s unpleasant.
Often you find out that the more the jilted lover freaks out, the closer the new coupling becomes. But on the other side, when that storm eventually passes and the sex is no longer taboo, you actually have to build a relationship based on something other than complaining. Sometimes that happens. Other times everyone eventually realizes that the new relationship was really just a coping mechanism to get over the first one.
And so we enter Biden’s America.
The Big Man is frustrated that his 100 million vaccines in the first month promise doesn’t look likely.
Famous Author Andrew Cuomo pulled off his Very Concerned Governor mask to reveal he’s under the same pressure Red State governors are. He announced he would reopen elements of the economy despite spiking COVID rates in NYS.
The Democrats got a cool four years of blaming every fart on the dog. But Trump isn’t going to be around much longer and the Dems will have to own these results.
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Parler suffers massive data breach after vendors pull out
Can Andrew Yang make it in NYC politics?
Quote Yang on why he spends so much time at a Hudson Valley weekend home instead of his apartment in Hell’s Kitchen:
“We live in a two-bedroom apartment in Manhattan… can you imagine trying to have two kids on virtual school in a two-bedroom apartment and then trying to do work yourself?”
Timeline for Trump impeachment
Congresswoman tests positive for COVID after sheltering during Capitol riot
Ages ago I watched this random video by Folding Ideas (Yeah, my algorithm has firmly slapped me into the breadtube/crafting/food parts of Youtube) about the flat earthers, and while I thought I was just watching a dude do some cool shit with a camera with some nice music while making a point, the second half of the video talked about how the flat earthers kinda moved on from that to Qanon.
Which has me thinking: Does this mean that at some point in the next 5-10 years they'll start glomming onto something else? Their facebook/parler/youtube/whatever algo is going to encourage them to join "LIzard People Are Real", "We've Already Colonised Mars, The Red Is High Tech Russian Hologram" or "People From An Alternate Reality Are Among Us" (Fringe Nostalia FTW) groups or something like that? - MERRAN
Flat Earth is fascinating because it’s often the Voltron of a bunch of other conspiracies. Before you can believe that a lie that big has been sold to the populace than (at a minimum) you need to believe that the government knows and kept it secret by means up to and including murder, that the media is in league with this and will squash and censor anything about it up to an including manufacturing news to drown it out and everyone involved with the conspiracy is either in on it, in jail or dead.
If you believe all three of those things you can always hot swap the Big Lie for something more exciting.
I will explain why it's OK to shut Parler down. We all want freedom of speech and freedom of ideas as long as the speech and ideas are the correct ones. Why allow wrong or dangerous ideas? Do we want another Trump? Conservatives believe anything they read (the uneducated poor, am I right?) If they read crazy stuff like Parler they will immediately believe it's true. Fortunately, that's not a problem with us liberals because we are educated and smart. That's why it's OK to shut down crazy conservative thought and not crazy liberal thought from these platforms.
In case someone read the above and didn't realize it was satire, that was satire. - ABE NORMAL
You are a thesaurus away from The Atlantic.
My opposition and resistance to Donald John Trump had nothing to do with the legitimacy of his election. He won the in the Electoral College fair and square.
Then very early on he showed himself to be self absorbed, incompetent, and in my opinion, not too bright and very possibly mentally ill.
He was never qualified to be President. Recent events confirm this assessment.
Is Biden my ideal President? No. But he's smart, informed, compassionate, competent and sane. And he won both the Popular Vote and the Electoral College. Fair and square.
He'll do for now. - GARY
For anyone that is married, or in a committed relationship, try this experiment;
1. Do something that you know will royally annoy your SO.
2. When they try to express their frustration, ignore them, verbally and mentally abuse them, gaslight them. Harass their boss until they are fired.
3. Remove them from all forms of communication, and if they somehow figure out a way to communicate, censor all mentions of the offending event.
See how long the relationship lasts, assuming they don't just murder you.
You know what would be better? Communicating. Figure out ways to actually see the other person's point of view. - ANDY
I’ve never had the courage to move past step one myself.
My future mother in law told my fiancée that I should stop making political posts online. The future mother in law drew a parallel between the cultural revolution in China and the US right now. She survived the cultural revolution. I don't think she is right and I don't know her media diet too well. The future father in law is somewhat being radicalized on YouTube against the communist parties actions in China. He "went to watch" a demonstration two years ago. Maybe that is part of the mother in laws concern. - ANONYMOUS
Thought for the day, legal discrimination. We have freedom to choose our political ideology but now we are shown that it is legal to discriminate against people who we disagree with. People who attended a peaceful gathering of like minded individuals (not the ones condoning violence or breaking the law) are now being fired from their jobs and music artists are being released from their recording contracts. This is legal because there is no law that protects you! You cannot be fired for being a particular color, religion etc, but there is no law that protects your politics! Think about that carefully. Now think about the people who are the loudest about shutting down the voices of the people who support conserative and/or Republicans. It is the people who have been historically discriminated against! Just something to ponder.
BTW Where are the right leaning politicians bailing out the people who were acting illegally and arrestested like the liberal ones who did so in the other riots? VP? - HALFNORMAL
If you ever need to write clickbait for Canadians, write headlines like this one. We pretend that we're not into it, but secretly we all love this shit. - KEN
Oh man, I never thought it that from the Canadian perspective. It must be so flattering that every four years 20% of the American populace talks about how pretty you are.
While I agree with the tech companies' decision to ban Trump and Parler, I think it also makes them an easy target for conservative media. Conservative media have already moved on from the capital mob to "tech elites are censoring conservative voices!" Now, it is possible that conservative media would have found something else to use as distraction from the real issues but this is the thing they actually picked. I predict that 2021 is going to be the year conservatives kick the censorship rhetoric up a notch. - BRYAN
The “silent majority” is neither new nor silent but I expect you will see a lot of that going forward because no one want to look directly at the crater that was last week.