Great interviews. A political what if draft would be a fun offseason ep!

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Had Dems had held an actual, if abbreviated, competitive primary after Biden stepped aside, I doubt Harris would have clinched the nomination. One debate, a few interviews like this with fellow Democrat hopefuls, and she would have flamed out like she did in 2019.

She may yet pull it off but despite her late entry, she peaked too soon. She's terrible at the unscripted encounter and the more she does, even in the friendliest venues, the less prepared for the job she seems.

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Fox is going to be interesting.

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+1 to What If segment idea one day down the road. Reminds me of the PUBG with US Presidents discussion you did in days of yore

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It’s the ~vibes~, stupid

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It might just be the vibes that I'm getting here in Vegas, but I get the sense that Sam Brown being seen as a carpetbagger dampens more of his potential support than any of his policy positions. It's not hard to imagine Trump taking the state by a hair and Rosen still winning by +6.

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