One of Rush Limbaugh’s catchphrases was “talent on loan from God.” One would presume that no matter which metaphysical realm you imagine Limbaugh ascending or descending to: the transaction has been completed.
The host, credited for the birth of conservative talk radio and the effectiveness of the GOP rise in the 90s, died Wednesday of cancer at the age of 70.
The arrogance of the Rush persona in a way was an implicit litmus test. Yes, he believed he was a super genius and yet his conservative humility was what his hardcore fans came to rely on. If you judged him for the former than you did not deserve to enjoy the latter.
It’s so much a part of radio DNA these days (the Shock Jock with a heart of gold) it’s hard to think of it as original to Limbaugh.
Of course, he knew that a true icon needed to have two audiences. One that adored him, one that loathed him. And he found his haters early. Performative destruction of Limbaugh became a rite of passage for liberals, comedians and media figures. He’d needle them or cross a line, they’d howl, he’d get an hour out of replaying their howls for his audience who would eat it up.
Rinse. Repeat.
The fault line of the culture war.
I’ve said many times that when I wanted to attempt a one-mic show in my late-20s there was only one program I went to learn the technique. Rush from noon to three. I never listened to it as a kid. My parents weren’t talk radio fans. I’ve come to realize that many of you did. Among the most common comments I get when I do my Rush impression is that Px3 listeners grew up being forced to listen to Limbaugh growing up.
As I tried to understand how he could make his voice stretch for so many hours day after day I realized his show was a lot more laid back than I’d been led to believe. It had a blog quality. Along with politics, he talked about business and branding and sports and advertising and Apple products. That dude loved Apple products.
He was removed. Like he was always on the cusp of making his point clear but not quite getting there. Probing his audience for their opinions before revealing his.
It doesn’t make the things he said less incendiary or the feelings he hurt go away. He’s no less the devil to some for being an angel to others.
He instigated the fight.
Based on the reaction to his death the brawl that has ensued is a final tribute to his effectiveness.
Why does Texas have it’s own power grid
If you want to take control on your destiny, you better not screw it up. What’s happening in Texas is truly harrowing. Heads are going to roll for this.
Biden supports a study on slavery reparations
How many lost jobs will come back after the pandemic is over?
DeSantis battles with reporters over vaccine allotment
"If Manatee County doesn't like us doing this," DeSantis said, "then we are totally fine putting this in counties that want it. We're totally happy to do that."
Lol. Remember when I said this "flatten the curve" malarkey would evolve into "shut-down until a vaccine"?
And you thought I was crazy.
We've got the vaccine.
Still can't go back to normal.
I guess I was wrong too.
...I wasn't crazy enough. - SCALE
Optimism in the time of COVID has proven to be a losing bet.
Why are we comparing people like Carano and Sorbo to the Hollywood blacklists? The blacklists were enforced and spread people who weren’t even vaguely communist because the studios were afraid of the government witchhunts coming to their door. This current stuff has nothing to do with the government, it’s the glorious free market at work. - RICHARD
"I don't care about actor's political opinions" - fair enough. But this is not about actors. Right now, anyone in any job can lose their job over expressing the "wrong opinions". For example, here in the UK a supermarket worker was sacked for sharing a Billy Connolly clip on Facebook with his friends - nothing to do with his job - that took the piss out of religion.
When it's ordinary people, no one pays attention. When it's actors everyone pays attention but then says "Who cares about actors?" When it's you, your friend or your family member, it's too late to complain.
Note: I am not a conservative but do like free speech. And saying "Leave social media" is no help when you're locked in your house by government decree and can't talk to people in person. - TOM
I am not sure of the facts beyond the link you sent along. Seems like that dude got a raw deal. Regardless of circumstance, he will not be the first person fired by a shitty boss or buried by an annoying co-worker. The question is how we are all going to coexist in a world where our private existences have become more public and connected.
And to be clear my point wasn’t to say “leave social media” but rather be wary about building a career or community on one social media platform.
Can we talk about the "free speech" argument when it comes to the Gina Carano, Kevin Sorbo, and any other "cancelling" that has occured recently?
Why are people on the right, who have always supported "small government" and "less regulations," so upset that private corporations are ending relationships with other private individuals? Isn't that what you wanted? Limited oversight and regulations for a "free-market?"
Why are people on the left celebrating the "censoring" of individuals by these corporations? The corporations aren't doing this out of the kindness of their heart's.
To those out there who dislike how the corporations are acting, I offer two suggestions:
1. Join me on pushing for market socialism and a more controlled market. Anti-trust, worker-coop, Publicly owned, ect.
2. Make your opinion the more profitable opinion. If supporting Gina Carano or Kevin Sorbo was more profitable than "cancelling" them, THEY WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN CANCELLED. - DANIEL
It really sucks what’s happening in Texas. I remember leaving California during the wildfire outages and that was just because we had all that smoke to deal with. But most people don’t have anywhere to go. I think this is a good opportunity for everyone who blamed the outages on the Democratically run state to reassess their biases. Our civilization is fragile and depends on the stability of our environment. The higher ideals of both parties: individual freedom, human rights, universal health care, food security rely heavily on a stable environment. I know I was telling people that Texas was going to have a huge blackout from a climate related energy shortage three years ago. However, I thought it was going to from high heat. I don’t feel good that I was right, but let’s start taking this seriously. - JOHN
Regarding the internet blacklist, did you read this Verge article on moderating podcasts? Nobody there seems to be questioning whether podcasts should be moderated, just how difficult a task it'll be.
It doesn't surprise me that NYC based tech journalists would revoke Steve Bannon's right to participate on the internet but does sentiment like this effect the way you podcast? the opinions you share and the topics you cover? Do you ever worry that you'll have to give your podcast feed to the Ad Dragon because of your scepticism of the CCP?
Why can't anything on the internet just be a big, dumb, searchable list anymore? ...Ohh right monetisation. - KEN
Consider me part of the Freefolk beyond The Wall. The rest of these fookin’ kneelers can moderate each other raw. Leave us be.
California catches fire every year
Democrats: It’s a natural disaster that we couldn’t control, so sad
Texas experiences worst freeze ever(?)
Democrats: haha stupid Republicans can’t control natural disasters - JOEY