I can't stand when someone asserts a controversial position as plain fact, especially in a situation where it's tangential enough that it's not worth arguing in the moment. As a result, I stopped listening when the discussion of the bush/gore election came up. I don't fault JRY for not arguing about it (not the point of the show) but I could no longer take the guest seriously and it wasn't worth my aggravation to keep listening

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I too started rolling my eyes with the Bush/Gore discussion... and so far have continued (at the time of commenting they're just starting 2004). I wonder if Ettingermentum is around my age given the change in tone/rating from Bill Clinton on.

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Thanks for the interesting episode.

Regarding Obama vs. Romney: I believe Ettingermentum gave Romney too much credit. What was the signature accomplishment of the first Obama term? Answer: The Affordable Care Act. What politician helped make a precursor to the ACA on a state level? Answer: Romney. As a lifelong Republican in his 30’s (my first vote for President was for Bob Dole in the mid-90’s), I struggled to find a reason to vote for Romney since he was not a repudiation of what I and many others hated most about Obama’s presidency. It drove me to discover the Libertarian Party and I have not voted for a Republican president since.

Also, if you are excited about a Republican who can appeal to Democrats, we learned our lesson the previous election with McCain. Legacy media fawns over the “Maverick” in the primaries, then treats him like crap as soon as he has secured the nomination.

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Could make a drinking game out of ettingermentum's use of the word "like". To the point where I started cringing at every use of the word by either of you. Low energy guest kinda a hard monotone listen. Would rather have a JRY talk about the media again honestly.

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Schumer put the cheese on the shutdown but didn’t turn on the grill

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