This dude really went to Mexico? For real?
When his state is not only in a historic snow storm. And also without power. And also without safe water. And also without safe roads.
Could he do much about it? Probably not unless he was putting pressure on Biden to do more federally. But still… Jeez Louise. This is one of those moments where you have to fire your Chief of Staff for letting you get on that plane.
Just an insane concept.
His excuse was that his girls wanted to go on vacation with their friends in Cancun and he was only “dropping them off.” Along with his wife.
Also, this story was just a clever way to get you to click this link and find a place where you can donate to help people in Texas.
The Lincoln Project is truly the worst of us
The Lincoln Project was a supreme grift that exploited the worst in us and protected truly odious and illegal behavior. Also, Dave Levinthal!
White House announces $4 billion funding to help with global vaccine adoption
Ivanka will not challenge Rubio in Florida
I never really got the pull on this one.
South Carolina abortion law could trigger a new Supreme Court challenge
Each one of these are going to be watched like a hawk.
Bob Dole announces he has stage 4 cancer
I read this several months ago and think you might appreciate the journalism.
I used to work for a solar company, we didn't do the traditional stuff but I try to keep up with the industry. What I read in the Atlantic article is that it's all politics and protecting the status quo that caused not only the power grid problems in Texas, but also the giant price problems across the country (and here in the Bay area where PG&E has gone looney) without there being a free market in the country. The last mile should be a utility, there isn't really profit there, wires go up and need to be maintained. Then you have power generation, that's where your market should be. I can see the benefit for a marketplace (read app store for your power) but really if there existed a free market where people could easily work to the bottom dollar, we would wring out a lot of this partisan BS and get on with some states not freezing or catching on fire because of crap infrastructure. - JASON
Soooooooo, semi politics, but more "Big Tech Does a Poop on a Country" comment
I might have mentioned I work for a charity in Australia. Like for the last 8 years, charities in Australia. My current workplace has just been blocked from posting to FB because it's been deemed a publisher, the last one escaped, and the one before that has also been blocked. I suggested to the person who runs socials that maybe we could get back online by stripping links in posts. This was her response
At the end of the day people here are PISSED. There are bushfires and floods happening and the pages that give out emergency updates are down. Not everyone uses twitter so I guess they'll move onto that soon?
It's a weird little world we're living in haha - MERRAN
Oh, yeah, amidst everything else Facebook deleted Australia this week.
My Mother was such a huge Limbaugh fan, in the 90's she wouldn't leave the house between 12 and 3. I had to wire her radio into the VCR so she could tape his shows on VHS. - KENNETH
I think cancel culture is a lastest example of “holding people accountable table for their behavior in public”. There are a couple things happening here:
1. Over the past couple centuries, people have become less dependent on their ability to get along with their local community. That dependency has shifted to the state and the market. You can now completely alienate your family and local community but still be able to live a comfortable life as long as you don’t get in trouble with the law (state) or act egregiously at work (market).
2. Online behavior is now being considered to be public behavior. This is a big shift in thinking for people like me who grew up when the internet was a private place where you act however you wanted.
3. Cancel culture is basically weaponizing the market (not the law). It is about creating strong financial disincentives to supporting people who act undesirably. It is an extra legal fight, it is not about freedom of speech (which protects you from the government punishing you for speech). It is the modern equivalent of your family/community ostracizing your for not conforming.
Enforcement of conformity is not inherently a good or a bad thing. It’s the fundamental way that ideas propagate. Both good ideas and bad ideas are enforced and spread in this way, and dealing with it in some way or another will be a mandatory part of the human experience as long as we have to share limited resources.
So the solution to cancel culture is the same as it’s always been. Don’t act in a way that pisses people off unless you have enough individual power to weather the storm.
Life is basically the show Survivor. - JOHN
And so the question then becomes, is that culture decentralized enough to maintain some sort of objectivity (maybe even enlightenment?) or is it weaponizable and indistinguishable from mob rule?
The last year has shown the fragility of many things that we take for granted: healthcare, jobs, police authority, democracy, and now electricity and running water. It seems like something’s trying to teach us a lesson. Don’t take anything for granted.
I wonder when the feeling that things are “particularly bad” will go away. I remember at the beginning of 2020 people were talking about how particularly bad the year was and that reminded me of the same sentiment a few years ago (2016 maybe?) obviously this is a different scale and hopefully it will be a long time before the sentiment is common again because nothing will compare to the pandemic. - LITERAL PIE
We’ve been eating shit since we declared the “worst year ever” because Bowie died.
A LOT of conservatives suddenly seem to hate the idea of at will employment so hopefully they'll help us work to get rid of that concept ... right? - RICHARD
It's been a real trip watching the people who loathe hobby lobby and that baker from Colorado for expressing right of center opinions and try and regulate them while pointing at the free market and saying that Gina Carano and Kevin Sorbo (and for that matter- Chris Harrison) got what they deserve because capitalism. Some of us actually care about free speech for all sides. Also, was really looking forward to the Cara Dune spinoff so bummed for that but happy to see the daily wire folks pick her up for a movie deal. Because capitalism. ;) - LIZ
I am not the biggest fan of Carano’s acting and found the direction of Care Dune getting less interesting the more she was on screen. That being said, The Mandalorian brought a steady diet of excellently executed pro wrestling moves to Star Wars. I hope Carano continues to snap suplex people on screen.
As a Xennial growing up in rural MO, there are two radio voices in my memories: Jack Buck and Rush Limbaugh.
But, I bet my memory of being paid $20 each to read Rush’s books and take a quiz my dad wrote is a more singular experience. - ANDREA
My favorite things about listening to Rush back in my youth were the sketches and parody songs. Paul Shanklin did a lot of them for Rush and the one that I still remember to this day is "In a Yugo" which is a parody of Elvis's "In the Ghetto". I watched it on youtube last night and it still holds up. - MATTHEW
I’m shocked this wasn’t updated to “In A Hybrid…” years ago.
I question the entire thesis that Twitter and social media are accurate barometers of what consumers want. What percentage of people are active on social media, and then what percentage actively advocate for a boycott/firing/etc of someone or some company? Take Chick-fil-a, for example. It's canceled on twitter or social media every other week, but it's one of the most successful fast food restaurants of all time.
Let's talk about Gina Carano. My conservative sensibilities are annoyed that she got let go by Disney. From my point of view, it seems that Disney is listening to a twitter mob that accounts for 1% of their viewership, but maybe there was more to it under the surface. Like, maybe there were other actors or crew who didn't want to work with her. Meanwhile, my libertarian sensibilities agree that it's Disney's right to fire her if they choose. The libertarian answer is to find another job in the free market. The problem is there isn't a real "free market" when it comes to movies or acting. If you cross the wrong people, you're out of work unless you decide to make Christian movies, or more recently, make movies with the Daily Wire.
Well, The Daily Wire movies might be terrible now, but maybe they'll pick up every cancelled celebrity, and we can have a new comedy starring Rosanne, Michael Richards, Louis CK, Norm MacDonald, and Dennis Miller. - KARL
Serious question, is Michael Richards a conservative? Or did he just scream the n-word a bunch of times? This gives me enough of a reason to post this.