'Neoliberal' is a Fraser term that no one in a Waffle House could possibly comprehend? Trump calls the radical left the real fascists and yet he's not seen to be using a Fraser term, people hear a derogatory term know the gist of the usage from the context. Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mark Cuban, are neoliberals, from ommiting AOC, Sanders, Rashida Omar, Ro Khanna, Liz Warren, one can deduce that neoliberals is a derogatory term for a certain stripe of politician deserves but won't ever own up to because it is understood to be a derogatory term that accurately describes their belief that policies are function of how to best serve the markets.
What do I know, these eggheads were probably well versed in Marxist economics:
I'd suspect if you asked 10 people at the mall what a neoliberal was they'd have varied answers and if you asked 10 more what a commie is they'd say a Russian or a Chinese person. One would get a more defined answer. At least that's what I suspect.
The fact neither term being used is accurately doesn't matter to the speaker nor the intended target, it is derogatory is what is communicated that matters.
People don't know the history of dunce and it being coined to recognize the unquestionable intelligence of 11th century John Duns Scotus, yet when it is used people know what the intent is. Whether a person calls someone a neolib, commie, tankie, fascist, libt**d, looney left, right wing nut, Bible thumper, red, pinko, jack booted thug, tory (going back to 18th century with that one), or whatever else one can think up, the insult is the point because the policy differential between those who are saying it doesn't matter in the tribalism that is what matters to the person saying it.
Progressives to some extent and anyone who is identifying as a leftist feel compelled to distinguish themselves from centrists/liberals/neoliberals, and those centrists are compelled to dismiss or ignore anyone who is critical with market supremacy and maximization of shareholder value as being transformed through the 'horseshoe effect' becoming right wingers or simultaneously being so far from being influential or ideas are just intrinsically invalid to be treated as non-existent. The same thing occurs on the right, but with different derogatory name calling.
Can we stop kicking Cleveland in the nuts? Yes we know the browns have a problem, we've been seeing this for the last several years. But can we stop kicking Cleveland in the nuts please?...
'Neoliberal' is a Fraser term that no one in a Waffle House could possibly comprehend? Trump calls the radical left the real fascists and yet he's not seen to be using a Fraser term, people hear a derogatory term know the gist of the usage from the context. Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mark Cuban, are neoliberals, from ommiting AOC, Sanders, Rashida Omar, Ro Khanna, Liz Warren, one can deduce that neoliberals is a derogatory term for a certain stripe of politician deserves but won't ever own up to because it is understood to be a derogatory term that accurately describes their belief that policies are function of how to best serve the markets.
What do I know, these eggheads were probably well versed in Marxist economics:
People react to DUI laws in the 1980s by calling them commies.
I'd suspect if you asked 10 people at the mall what a neoliberal was they'd have varied answers and if you asked 10 more what a commie is they'd say a Russian or a Chinese person. One would get a more defined answer. At least that's what I suspect.
The fact neither term being used is accurately doesn't matter to the speaker nor the intended target, it is derogatory is what is communicated that matters.
People don't know the history of dunce and it being coined to recognize the unquestionable intelligence of 11th century John Duns Scotus, yet when it is used people know what the intent is. Whether a person calls someone a neolib, commie, tankie, fascist, libt**d, looney left, right wing nut, Bible thumper, red, pinko, jack booted thug, tory (going back to 18th century with that one), or whatever else one can think up, the insult is the point because the policy differential between those who are saying it doesn't matter in the tribalism that is what matters to the person saying it.
Progressives to some extent and anyone who is identifying as a leftist feel compelled to distinguish themselves from centrists/liberals/neoliberals, and those centrists are compelled to dismiss or ignore anyone who is critical with market supremacy and maximization of shareholder value as being transformed through the 'horseshoe effect' becoming right wingers or simultaneously being so far from being influential or ideas are just intrinsically invalid to be treated as non-existent. The same thing occurs on the right, but with different derogatory name calling.
Can we stop kicking Cleveland in the nuts? Yes we know the browns have a problem, we've been seeing this for the last several years. But can we stop kicking Cleveland in the nuts please?...