The pizza place Justin was trying to remember was probably Fong’s.

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"Whenever I'm in the presence of women..." For a lot of us that's a default!

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Why are we still talking about the 2024 election? It's 3 months old... What new things did we learn?

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When did jury become an rnc parrot?

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Everyone sees the world through their own lens. The product it to be interpreted by the consumer. This is a question only you can ask yourself.

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It matters what the president says no matter how crazy.

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whether Tulsi gets in or not, is the brute force-ness of trailblazer—its inherent technical design, the reason why 702 had to be written? in other words, if a Bill Benny -like thinthread solution were to replace it, then couldn’t certain egregious sections of 702—which spillover into domestic, be eliminated?

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Cancelling DEI and woke is pure BS. It’s an outrageous game, the purpose of which is regurgitation of overt racism, dividing the people and amplifying hate.

Importantly,for the IQ-challenged, these shenanigans distract the rubes in their limited capacity from processing the pathetic incompetence, chaos, gaslighting, criminality and vile, vulgar lies of Trumpler.

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Cabinet positions not a popularity contest.

Do we not yet understand subjects of senate hearings lie chronically re their positions and their past whilst filibustering in pathetic fashion?

I’m outraged at kabuki dance of lies.

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Yes, let’s get you inside that press room. Bring your brightness light to shine onto power.

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