Pete in Michigan is a loser unless the Republicans pick someone like Mike Rodgers. Rodgers has carpet bagger baggage and several groups like the libertarians would actively try to wreck rodgers.
The libertarians claim their biggest victories in Michigan as getting trump over the line and stopping Rodgers.
MI is a straight ticket state too so people had to decide to not vote for rodgers while voting trump.
I get him not wanting to be on camera but can we get a fun ai image for scrimshaw when he is on?
The only thing worse than being a carpet bagger in michigan is being a packers fan. Pete better be careful what team he reps.
Hockey brings us together over fighting against each other. A real Schrodinger’s-21 situation.
Pete in Michigan is a loser unless the Republicans pick someone like Mike Rodgers. Rodgers has carpet bagger baggage and several groups like the libertarians would actively try to wreck rodgers.
The libertarians claim their biggest victories in Michigan as getting trump over the line and stopping Rodgers.
MI is a straight ticket state too so people had to decide to not vote for rodgers while voting trump.
Cocaine Mitch will not re-up
Three guesses, buddy. And the first two don’t count.